QGIS Tutorials and Tips ======================= `QGIS `_ is a popular open-source GIS with advanced capabilities. Here is a series of tutorials and tips that show you how to how to use it to tackle common GIS problems. You may use these tutorials as a self-paced course to learn the software thoroughly. However, each section is fairly independent, so those familiar with QGIS can jump into any section . .. note:: If you are an educator, see :doc:`docs/teach_qgis` for using these tutorials to teach QGIS. * Getting Started - :doc:`docs/making_a_map` - :doc:`docs/working_with_attributes` - :doc:`docs/importing_spreadsheets_csv` * QGIS Basics - :doc:`docs/using_plugins` * Basics GIS operations - :doc:`docs/basic_vector_styling` - :doc:`docs/raster_styling_and_analysis` - :doc:`docs/raster_mosaicing_and_clipping` - :doc:`docs/working_with_terrain` - :doc:`docs/working_with_wms` - :doc:`docs/georeferencing_basics` - :doc:`docs/advanced_georeferencing` * Intermediate GIS operations - :doc:`docs/performing_table_joins` - :doc:`docs/points_in_polygon` - :doc:`docs/performing_spatial_queries` - :doc:`docs/creating_heatmaps` * Advanced GIS operations - :doc:`docs/nearest_neighbor_analysis` .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :hidden: docs/making_a_map docs/working_with_attributes docs/importing_spreadsheets_csv docs/using_plugins docs/basic_vector_styling docs/raster_styling_and_analysis docs/raster_mosaicing_and_clipping docs/working_with_terrain docs/working_with_wms docs/georeferencing_basics docs/advanced_georeferencing docs/performing_table_joins docs/points_in_polygon docs/creating_heatmaps docs/performing_spatial_queries docs/nearest_neighbor_analysis docs/teach_qgis